Monday, November 26, 2007

Post experiment.

I am going to see a doctor on wensday about the long term effects of polyphasic sleep so I know if I can do it for a long period of time without suffering major health effects, like dying 10 years too soon.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

End of Experiment

So the experiment is over I feel really weird right now and completely discombobulated. It will probably be about a week before I'm re adjusted to how time flows again. I seriously have no idea what time or day it is if you ask me.

This conversation pretty much sums up the last couple days.

Me: been sleeping for like the past 2 days :p
Me: I would have told you I declared the experiment over and that it was a success
Me: that it was sustainable
Me: but
Me: I woke up 2 days later :p
Me: so apparently even though I felt more normal than I do now
Me: I had massive sleep debt :P
Friend: um
Friend: nice
Friend: so your body finally rebelled :P
Me: rofl
Me: by rebelled you mean usurped the throne :p
Me: and then burned down all the farms
Me: and freed the dragons
Me: so now theres nothing but brimstone and sulfur raining down upon the countryside

Now I think I'm a try to learn a language.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving madness

Thanksgiving has caused an interesting effect psychologically to this whole ordeal. Since days are starting to blur together as micro weeks the fact that thanksgiving lasted through 3 micro days it felt far longer than I expected. I've got a headache and I wonder when it will go away considering usually when I get a headache I go to sleep. I wonder if its sleep dep finally kicking in to the max. Also drinking doesnt seem to help the polyphasic sleep. I'm mega tired right now and I dont know if I will make it to my 3 am nap so I am going to take it at 2:30, also to catch my favorite tv show. At around 4 am I plan to go to best buy and hang out with the crazy people who woke up to shop wicked early. I don't understand it at all, I just want a copy of unreal tournament 3.

5:45 AM

Hey, I actually haven't gone into zombie mode yet. I can remember what happened in the last 10 minutes. Dude... I feel so much better than I used to at this time. I am hungry though, maybe I should start eating breakfast at around this time. I can think, I can read. I'm doing a-ok!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day 7 Cycle 6

Seems to be going alright so far, Feeling more normal and better than I did before. We'll see how I deal with the 3 am nap. I am going to take out the extra naps at night because I think they are actually hindering my adaption at this point.

Day 6 Cycle 5

Dawn is close, soon I shall walk and then head to work. Oh god please no zombie mode today. Every time I take my 11 am nap, all my problems seem to be solved. Why do I get the best sleep upright in the seat of my car?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


No zombie mode as of yet. Major change is that when I'm not alseep I'm not on or near my bed. I'm sitting on a couch with my laptop.

Monday, November 19, 2007

11:00 PM

I feel kind of like I am a time traveler moving through an event in bursts rather than seeing the whole picture at once. Every four hours I miss 25 minutes but it never stops the story keeps going but I always miss that small burst of time. These are some really strange feelings I'm never going to get used to am I? Well I'm hopefully going to get some work done. My next quantum leap is at 1:00

Oh Boy!

First day back to work.

So I get more and more tired as I take naps between 3 am to 7 am. At 7 am I go walk the dog with my mom because I assume that this will prevent me from entering zombie mode and feeling like crap for the rest of the day. Oh man was I wrong. From 7 am to 11 am I felt pretty awful and seriously considered quitting. I was having microsleeps while awake which are pretty dangerous and unproductive. Luckilly I got to work before I started microsleeping. So at 11 I mosey on out to my car and set my timer and my phone to 25 minutes. I close my eyes and about 10-20 seconds later I wake up to the sound of my cell phone. I still feel generally groggy but as I get back to work I have all this extra energy that I did not have before. Now I'm pretty excited because I just got a second wind or whatever. But I'm also dreading more zombie mode days in the future. At 3 pm I went to sleep very quickly like I did before. No dreams or anything but now I feel pretty great. I have a suspicion that todays zombie mode was so strenuos because I did not get enough sleep in my 7-11 naps the day before.

back at 7:30 :P

Sunday, November 18, 2007

day 5 cycle 4

It feels like this weekend has gone on for ever. Like its been a week or something, I went into zombie mode again but it lasted less time. I was only zombified from 5-10 today where I was doing things but I have no memory. Probably talking to that damn wall again. Its great for conversation.

I'm suprised that this is working.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

day 4 cycle 3

I'm feeling pretty great, I continually sleep during every nap. I've woken up before a nap was finished once. The frequency of dreams seems to be slowering. My mental capacities seem to be returning and I'm fearing the zombie mode that I might turn into again tonight. Apparently last night I started staring at a wall almost endlessly. But so far it seems like I'm going to be successfull in this battle. I took 3 naps during an all day lan this is an epic amount of gaming. I dont know what I'm going to do tonight to grind down the night. I'm going to try to draw most of the night and train my left hand to write.

5 am - 10 Am

ZOMBIE MODE, I dont remember what I did here except wake up to my alarm at 5 and 7 and then set it for 11.

Once i woke up from my 11 Am nap I feel pretty much normal. Zombie mode is scarry so I'm getting my friend to come drive me around so I don't go back into it and die while attempting to get anywhere. I have little to no idea what happened so I might have stared at a wall for 6 hours. I think thats what happened. I looked at my computer and things had changed so obviously I used it. I was watching the office before it happened.

3 AM

i HAVE YET TO OVERSLEEP but I am so out of it. I'm doing alot better than last time, I dont feel like this is tortuere or taht I want to die. I feel really exhausted though, no splitting headache this time. I'm doing so much better. I must survive to 5 am thank god for neflxist

Friday, November 16, 2007

naps up to 3 pm success

So far I have not overslept so far this run. Something I notiecd is that 2 hours before nap time I star declining in energy massivly. Like at this point I had to shake myself out of it in order to type this. Before wrting this I was staring at my celing for 30 minutes opening and closing my mouth like I was some kind of fish. Something lives in my wall I think its kinda big, like big rodent not like
bear. Celing bears...

7:00 AM

Oh shit I made it the night I feel like death but I will be ok,

This movie is so bad

me: omg

me: does kevin sorbo not know how to horse?

me: I think they used a stunt double

me: for him riding a horse

friend: rofl

me: This seems like walking tall

me: but without the tension

me: or the racial issues

me: god he better use a 2x4

me: if there isnt one

friend: rofl

me: there will be problems

friend: its a sequel to a terrible movie :P

me: I'ma immediately pop in ghost rider :p

me: actually it wasnt SO bad :p

me: I thought it was unique

me: with the whole beating people with sticks thing

friend: rofl it was direct to video :P

friend: the sequel

me: yeah I knowme: its pretty awful

me: by awful I mean I cant wait till 5 am

me: so I can sleep

me: instead of watching this

friend: lol the daughter of the guy who the movie is about condemmned the film :P

me: the first one?

me: or the terrible terrible sequel

friend: theyre still based on the same guy

me: lol what?

me: hes no longer black? :P


friend: and the rock is hardly black :P

me: hes like

me: wtf is the rock

me: hes uhhme: samoan?

friend: hawaiian

friend: well

friend: half

me: I dont think the sequel was based on the original dude

me: its just like

me: some random guy in texas

me: who used to be hercules

me: and now hes like

me: a starship captain

me: of a time traveling warship called andromeda

friend: rofl

me: This is how I justify this movie

me: he has gone back in time

me: to the 90's

me: to repair the time stream by making a really bad movie

me: with a paper thin plot

friend: lolololol

me: theres just people driving trucks

me: that are vaguely upsetme: I have no idea why

3:00 AM

Ok I woke up so I'm watching movies to keep awake. I'm actually pretty alert considering I actually slept. But I'm watching walking tall 2: thebullshit

It is so bad that I don't know what would be worse. Overlseeping or continuing to watch this movie. But since I dont want to wuss out again I'm going to keep steadfast. I have this movie and ghost rider to watch. This movie is SO BAD.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


So I've kept up with the naps and kept sleeping normal hours as well. It turns out its helping me actually fall asleep during the naps. I think Its going to help me adjust, tonight is my first night going at this BS again. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

3 pm nap 2 dreams 25 minutes

Cant remember em dont know why but I woke up at 11 minutes left and then passed out again. Mmm sleep

Sunday, November 11, 2007

end fo reals

damnit it sucks hard... maybe I'll try next weekend... Next post thursday.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

11:00 PM

I felt like I was in space. Other than that nothing interesting... more DoTA

7:00 PM NAP

Why am I still doing this? Goddamnit theres videogames to be had.

WTF part 2

So I had a dream, that I had woken up went to tom's computer and played DoTA. I think I'm trapped between schedules. Lets see how a slow adaption works as opposed to a full blown head first bullshit fest where I want deaths sweet embrace. I'm not gonna lie but I'm stuck in some kinda crazy half and half sleep schedule. I got 2 hours sleep last night cause I thought I was going to just end it but my body took over and said FU go nap. So I dunno whats up. Mebbe this is a good thing to adapt gradually than to eff yourself over. Like retain some sleep at night and just add in the naps for routine and gradually take off the sleep at night. THIS INTRIGUES ME. So I'ma do my regular naps and see where it takes me.


So I thought I stopped this ubersleep schedule... Uhh Apparently my body wants to nap again... I'm going to see where this goes.


This torture isnt worth it just to be bored an extra 6 hours a day.

What am I going to do while my computer is rendering?

Friday, November 9, 2007

1:30 AM

I'm still awake. I guess I must be doing something right because I'm not super tired. I just feel really shaken up by the rhythm of the naps. I dont know if I've actually slept because I havent had any dreams.

Friend sent me a link to this


11:00 PM

Nap went kinda well tom woke me up halfway through it. I'm pretty sure this is some kind of torture and I hope I dont die from it. I felt like I almost nodded off I must have considering I feel alot less tired now. I don't know how this is working it just is I've been up for 2 days straight and I don't want to die completely yet. I had a burrito for dinner. I found this fruit juice that I've been drinking starwberry bannana orange thing. It says its 6 juices but theres only 3 mentioned. I wonder what the other fruits are. Damn maybe its like tastes like assberry because I cannot identify it. Slowly going into madness of the dreaded third day. Third cycle begins tomorrow at 11:00 AM.


7:00 PM

Well that nap sucked pretty hard. I felt like I had been drugged before it and after it I only felt moderately like trash. I can't wait for the 11:00 PM nap or death's sweet embrace, whichever comes first. Been playing alot of TF2 and DoTA.

3 AM blunder and recap to 3PM

3:00 AM - 7:00 AM

I went to sleep at 3:00 AM and instantly woke up at 7:00 It did not feel like any time had passed. It was one of those oh shit moments and I thought I was on the decline. I got hurriedly got ready for work and hauled ass to the office. When I got there I felt like absolute trash but I went to the deli and got myself an egg sandwich. That tasted really good but I felt pretty terrible so it did not outweigh the oversleep. I was thinking to myself that I should just give up and all these downer thoughts. I decided to go take my 11:00 o clock nap at apparently 10:30 because I was confused and couldn't read.

10:30 - AM

I went to sleep

11:00 - AM

I felt GREAT like that commercial where the guy screams about 500 hundred babies, babies EVERYWHERE! So I decided to stick with it and I'm continuing on this wonderfully self destructive path I've taken. I've noticed a strange feeling like my body is accepting the bullshit I'm dragging it through.

3:00 - PM

I woke up again and felt awesome I ate a chimichanga because its clearly a light food and I'm an asshat. So I was all peppy and semi hyper and full of energy, then I went to go pick up my friend and I've been in a steady decline since. Its around 5:00pm eastern time right now and I'm starting to become more and more confused and unable to get my ideas flowing. So if this seems disjointed that is why.

Polyphasic sleep is far different from just sleep deprivation. The feeling you get from it is a series of jarring events that keep you up forever and you just get really confused sometimes. Its sometimes not that bad because you get to sleep but its so bad because you don't get to sleep. You'd have to try it to understand what I'm talking about because this is the most ridiculous thing I have experienced. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that this is witchcraft and perhaps demon magic. Not voodoo though.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 1: 11:00 PM

Gaghtt, I wake up at 11 pm and I feel really weird my balance is off and I'm still groggy. I'm pretty sure that if I had stayed up without doing this polyphasic sleep thing I'd feel alot better. But this whole experience is alot more jarring probably due to the fact that I'm on the brink of sleep and then I'm torn back into the waking world. Back to DoTA, I'm kinda hungry but I think it's just my mind trying to figure out ways to keep itself up in some kind of defence mechanism.

The Beginning

So I've decided to enter a polyphasic sleep schedule because I apparently I had so much fun the last time I didn't remember doing it.

It turns out that last time I attempted this feat I had lasted for 10 days and started passing out at irregular intervals. The apex of that journey was waking up on a mailbox after I had started walking to school that day. I did not infact remember making it that long. I had thought I managed about 3 days in this sleep schedule before giving up. Unfortunately my friends reminded me what was really going on.

This time I am far better prepared with alot more research done on this subject. This time I am not going to take anything that will effect my state of mind (caffine, alcohol). I am also going to be adopting a diet comprised of lighter foods so I wont spend as much time digesting while I am trying to sleep. I've learned from other examples of polyphasic sleepers is that you can add in additional naps as long as they are spaced out decently and still achieve results. I intend to do this for as long as I need to. Also I got a really neat alarm clock this time so theres no way I can fail... The current goal is to last a month like this.

I honestly have no idea what I am going to do with this extra time. Ideally I'd like to work on my artwork and play videogames cause I'm a nerd. I have a copy of hellgate and I'm ready to stave off madness by fighting hordes of demons. Good god this weekend isn't going to go well.

My current nap schedule is 3,7,11 AM/PM for 25 minutes a nap.

Day 1:

11:00 AM

This nap went suprisingly well considering I don't usually take naps and I was not expecting to get any sleep. Strangely enough I was woken up by my unusually heavy egg shaped companion which was glowing orange and screaming. I went back to work and was feeling quite refreshed and more hyper than normal at that given time.

3:00 PM

Took a nap, passed out for a couple minutes again didn't notice much other than the fact that I woke up groggy. I've essentially began looking forward to the next sleep in order to get this over with. BUT I did manage to play some crackdown. In-fact I beat it and said, "Wtf kind of ending is this?" and then went to my friend Tom's house.

7:00 PM

So my asshat of a friend decided to cook dinner on the time of one of my naps so I couldn't eat. Also hes taunting me with soda and other things that I can't have during adjustment. I bet him 10 bucks that I could pull off this sleep schedule. Were playing some TF2 and DoTA